Thursday, February 2, 2012

Listening for God

I Samuel 3

Monday, 02 January 2012, was a day that changed my life forever and for which I am eternally thankful!!

One month ago today, I was called into my classroom for a meeting with the school’s Board of Directors by the school’s Board of Directors – the day before 2nd semester classes were to begin. This had happened often over the past 8 months, as we lead the school through a restructuring process and our failing attempts of trying to “save” it and I had absolutely no sense of what was coming. We sat, all but one member present, and the president (who has only been on the Board 7-8 months and served in his current capacity for only 4-5 months) began speaking. Immediately interrupted by the vice-president, “We should pray, shouldn’t we,” “Well, yes I was getting to that . . .” the president sharply and irately retorted. He prayed, looked up, and started again, “We’ve decided it’s time for us to part ways. We’ve created a ‘Termination Agreement,’ for you to sign, but are offering you an opportunity to resign . . . . .”

As the president continued his speech, I looked around at the assembled group. The president and one other beamed with pride, joy, and happiness at the action currently taking place. One couldn’t look anywhere but straight down at the floor, all color drained from his face; he nervously, ashamedly, and apologetically twirled his cap between his legs. The fourth turned her head every time I looked in her direction and the school's Headmaster sat in complete shock and disbelief, with the appearance of holding back the tears. I’ll let you decide how to interpret the one absence – that of the immediate past, long-serving president. Based on everyone's appearance, I know how I interpret her strategic absence.

I resigned. I signed their agreement, amended to state my unconscious decision, and began cleaning out my room. The most humorous fact about this is that for my previous years’ of employment at this school I had kept all my teaching “stuff” in storage. Because of the extreme insecurity I felt under the previous administration’s regime, I had refused to go through all the hassle of setting a permanent classroom, until being names principal. I had brought my things out of storage and set-up my room at the beginning of this past year – ironic, huh!?!?

Without going into specific details, I had begun seeing, sensing, and coming to an understanding that God was finished with me at this location or, at the very least, an irreconcilable conflict/contradiction was emerging between the vision God had given me for the school and its future and what the other members of the leadership had. In November, I had begun praying about my future at the school, beyond this current school year.

The previous 8 months had been intermittently slightly rocky (nothing I considered “major,” based on my over 20 years experience in education!) to say the least: uncertainty, leadership upheaval, dramatic unexpected changes, & disagreements, personal struggles, defeats, & humiliation, school and personal financial struggles, and times when I hadn’t acted in the BEST manner I know Christ would have me. In short, I had been struggling with my purpose and the school’s future long before that Monday morning.

God has a way of drastically and unexpectedly guiding us, doesn’t He?

I have come to accept the Board’s action that Monday as God’s answer to the prayers I had started praying in November. I am blessed - not too many people have the opportunity to experience such direct communication with God! I am truly thankful, though. I’m the type that requires the flashing neon signs, the thumps on the head, an aching nose from the door He just slammed on my face. . . . .

How often do we ignore and/or refuse to see or acknowledge the answers to our prayers? I say often. We either blind ourselves to His response, because it doesn’t fit our expectation. Look for God in all things; if you’ve asked for guidance, leadership, answers, directions, etc., pay especially close attention to the daily events (great and small) of your life!

God speaks . . . . . . He is not the issue/problem.

We must be listening for Him!

How has God spoken to you lately?

Thanks for visiting & come again?


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